Achieving your vision as a team requires excellent internal communication and a culture rooted in trust. Group coaching helps you establish a deeper level of connection, so momentum and synergy push you toward your mutual goals.
Cohesive teams start with a foundation of trust. High-impact growth must be sustained effective communication and an internal culture that motivates every team member to bring their best. Group Coaching inspires a team to leverage each other's strengths, celebrate each other's wins and support each other when issues arise or things become difficult.
Sustainable results start with trust from the top down and bottom up. The first question every leader should ask is, "how can I become more trustworthy?" From there, the whole team grows vertically and horizontally.
Building great organizations begin with creating cultures that value relationships. There is no greater place to develop this connection than within a team. Give your managers and team leaders the resources they need to build great teams and watch the entire organization gain momentum.
Contact Debbie Rodgers today for a customized training package that suits the needs and schedule of your team.
We're seeing record numbers of mergers and acquisitions, retiring legacy CEOs, new start-ups and business reforms. In the midst of disruption and transition, you want to lead your organization and prepare your team to navigate the changes well. Transition coaching is a combination of Executive Coaching and Group Coaching that helps you focus on what is being built, not on what is being torn down. Although nobody likes change, you can make transitions more appealing by knowing how to frame your message and how to navigate every change with transparency. Learn how to encourage direct, open, and consistent communication within your core teams.
495 of the FORTUNE 500 Companies use Emotional Intelligence Assessments to increase their chances of hiring the right talent and to improve communication within the culture. These tools are effective in giving insight into how an individual may operate within a team as well as helping individuals give and receive developmental feedback. Beyond the assessment is the experience of the facilitator to help with real life application. DISC is the easiest assessment tool to use helping to reduce conflict, increase productivity and empower people through soft skill expertise.